
Liga Narodów Zjednoczonych

Liga Narodów Zjednoczonych

Informações da Equipe

  • Nome: Liga Narodów Zjednoczonych
  • Presidente Faz
  • País de Origem: Polska (Poland)
  • Fundação: 2015-01-01
  • Prêmios em 2024: GoldMark 0
  • Total de Premiações: GoldMark 0

Biografia da Equipe

Liga Narodów Zjednoczonych [LNZ] alliance was founded on October 29, 2010. We are the longest existing alliance on the Polish Supreamcy 1914 scene. From the very beginning, we focused on competing against other alliances in ranked games (ELO), national (Polish Alliance League [PLS]) and international (Alliance Tournament) competitions. Our players also took part in the individual Player Tournaments and various community events. Recent years have been the most successful for our alliance.

Our greatest achievements are:
– Championship in the Polish Alliance League [PLS] 2023
– 3rd place in the international Alliance Tournament 2023/24
– Victory in the first edition of The Community Clan Battle Royale (CBR, Game 1)

Everything that our alliance has experienced and achieved is owed to the [LNZ] members who have formed a great group of people over the years.

The one of the biggest values for LNZ is welfare and constant development of the Polish community, as well as its best reputation.

Equipe não forneceu lista de jogadores

Histórico do Time

  • Membro Fundador Arena Supremacy
    1 de junho, 2024

Títulos do Time

Sem Titúlos
Conference League 2024